PvP - role basics

There are 4 main roles in PvP - Roamer, Support, Duelist, Damage. We'll go over what each role brings, and how to identify which of your teammates are playing which role.


Objective: force the enemy team to spread out by using your superior mobility, and quickly overwhelm enemies in fights you add to (+1ing).
How to play this role most effectively:

  • play a very mobile class - this is almost always a thief
  • keep your eyes on the map - take note of where enemies are to plan your movements
  • avoid duels - keep your damage cooldowns for when you can secure a kill
  • never die - run fast and run early
  • do not spend more than 30s +1ing a won node, and 60s +1ing a neutral node
  • it is almost always correct to neutralize an enemy node if uncontested
  • keep an eye on the map to scoop up ignored map objectives (not djiin though)

How to spot a roamer:

  • they're playing thief/thief elite spec

Video Guide (dogwater audio sorry)


Objective: keep your team alive and enable critical kills with timely crowd control.
How to play this role most effectively:

  • stick with your teamfight core - you are vulnerable alone
  • keep your eyes on the map and you ally HP bars - sometimes you need to visit a sidenode briefly to resustain your duelist
  • don't waste your cc skills - make sure every one works towards getting a kill (look for stability on enemy boon bars)
  • if you're starting to lose the teamfight (one or more full dead), pack up your team and fall back
  • kite for yourself using cc and make them go through your damage dealing allies to get to you
  • always protect yourself when using ressurect utility - getting this skill interrupted often loses teamfights
  • you can probably hand revive some number of people - try to gauge when you can save your res util

How to spot a support:

  • core guardian: signet of mercy is on their bar
  • tempest: they do not have signet of restoration on their bar + they have a staff
  • scourge: hopefully you can ask them and they reply, though most scourges will have some support capability

Video Guide (dogwater audio sorry)


Objective: Control a side node.
How to play this role most effectively:

  • Go to the far node at the start of the game if you are mobile, and the close node if you are not
  • if you lost the 1v1 multiple times, don't push back into it, find another fight you can win
  • play for node is often better than playing for a kill
  • if you cannot keep the node you are 1v1ing on at least neutral, you should leave
  • kite for yourself using cc and mobility skills
  • practice the kite spots on maps to be able to kite outnumbered without dying
  • do. not. die.

How to spot a duelist:

  • they say "close" or "far" before the game starts
  • playing a meta duelist, check spec + weapons if you can see them

Video Guide (dogwater audio sorry)


Objective: kill the enemy team and control the map.
How to play this role most effectively:

  • stick with your teamfight core - you work best in a group
  • call targets and attack the targets other people call
  • don't waste your cc skills - make sure every one works towards getting a kill (look for stability on enemy boon bars)
  • if you're starting to lose the teamfight (one or more full dead), pack up your team and fall back
  • kite by running to your support and using personal defensives
  • look at the map to see where enemies are heading to match numbers
  • be careful not to overpush into a teamfight or on the map beyond what your team can sustain - going into a 1vX alone is a good way to die
  • wait to push a teamfight until you have regrouped after losing one - never go in 1 by 1

How to spot a damage dealer:

  • not any of the above

Video Guide (dogwater audio sorry)