we burnin hella money on da PC case

it's a good time for sure and I'm learning a lot but def not worth. Maybe I'll post some pictures and things in a bit, idk.

I guess here's a tldr of the progress made, photos will get added eventually. The case was designed in CAD, with corner supports 3D printed to hold 8 copper flat bars and 2 plates together to be the case. Additionally, the mobo mounting plate was 3D printed as it didn't make sense to make out of copper.

The bars were (very poorly) machined without any real layout tools besides cardboard templates, and took a lot of time and a non-zero number of dremel bits to make workable. After that disaster, the larger and more ornate designs on the plates were waterjet as I swore off doing more metalwork with a rotary tool.

After that moderate success, the parts were flame-annealed to give a vintage and robust look using a barbeque and a long time in there. This included the hardline copper tubing I used. Brilliant. Cleaning ensued. a wad of steel wool on a clothes hanger wire in a drill did quick work of that at least. The annealed parts then had to be protected using a sort of enamel looking thing, I used Everbrite Protectaclear, I'll leave a recommendation on it after a while, seeing if it works or not lol.

That gets me to where I am now. Next up is doing the hardline tubing (cutting pipe) I need to go on a separate rant about the difficulty of buying 1/2" outer diameter copper pipe and the idiocy that is pipe sizes, but later.